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 Publications (2005- )       Complete Publications List 







  • Keizer, R., & Komter, A.E. (2015). Are "equals" happier than "less equals"? A couple analysis of similarity and well-being. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(4), 954-967. DOI:10.1111/jomf.12194

  • Komter, A.E. (2015). Review of Olli Pyyhtinen, The gift and its paradoxes; beyond Mauss (2014). European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 1(4), 408-409.

  • Hogerbrugge, M.J.A., De Hoon, S., Dykstra, P.A., Komter, A.E., Liefbroer, A.C., & Mulder, C.H. (2015). Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study, a multi-actor, multi-method panel study on solidarity in family relatioships, Wave 4. NKPS Working Paper 13. Den Haag: Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute.

  • Hogerbrugge, M.J.A. & Komter, A.E. (2014). In good and bad times? The influence of current relations with extended kin on negative life events. Family Relationships and Familial Responses to health Issues. Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 8A, 1-29. Bingley (UK): Emerald Publishing Group.

  • Komter, A.E. (2014). Idealized versus real-life reciprocity: How to strike the balance? Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, 43(2), 58-72.

  • Sierksma, J., Thijs, J., Verkuyten, M., & Komter, A.E. (2013). Children's reasoning about the refusal to help: The role of need, costs, and social perspective taking. Child Development, 85(3), 1134-1149.

  • Moor, J., De Graaf, P.M., & Komter, A.E. (2013). Family, welfare state generosity and the vulnerability of older adults: A cross-national study. Journal of Aging Studies, 27(4), 347-367.

  • Hogerbrugge, M.J.A., Komter, A.E., & Scheepers, P. (2013). Dissolving long-term romantic relationships: Assessing the role of the social context. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 30(3), 320-342.

  • Dykstra, P.A., & Komter, A.E. (2012). Generational interdependencies in families: The MULTILINKS research programme. Demographic Research, 27(18), 487-506. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2012.27.1

  • Komter, A.E., & Leer, M. van (2012). Hospitality as a gift relationship: Political refugees as guests in the private sphere. Hospitality & Society, 2(1), 7-23.

  • Moor, N. & Komter, A.E. (2012). Family ties and depressive mood In Eastern and Western Europe. Demographic Research, 27(8), 201-232.

  • Komter, A.E., Keizer, R., & Dykstra, P.A. (2012). The men behind economically successful women: A focus on Dutch dual-earner couples. Géneros, Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 1(2), 156-187.

  • Hogerbrugge, M.J.A., & Komter, A.E. (2012) Solidarity and ambivalence: Comparing two perspectives on intergenerational relations using longitudinal panel data. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67(3), 372-383.

  • Moor, N., & Komter, A.E. (2012). The impact of family structure and disruption on intergenerational emotional exchange in Eastern Europe. European Journal of Ageing, 9(2), 155-167. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-011-0207-3

  • Komter, A.E., Voorpostel, M., & Pels, T. (2011). Not accepted by the family: “being difficult” or “being different”? Journal of Family Issues, 32(2), 237-263.

  • Komter, A.E. (2010). The evolutionary origins of human generosity. International Sociology, 25(3), 1-22.

  • Schans, D., & Komter, A.E. (2010). Ethnic differences in intergenerational solidarity in the Netherlands. Journal of Aging Studies, 24(3), 194-203.

  • Van Gaalen, R., Dykstra, P.A., & Komter, A.E. (2010). Where is the exit? Intergenerational ambivalence and relationship quality in high contact ties. Journal of Aging Studies, 24, 105-114.

  • Komter, A. (2009). Solidarity. In Anheier, H., & Toepler, S. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Civil Society (pp. 1460-1464). Heidelberg: Springer.

  • Komter, A.E. & Schans, D. (2008). Reciprocity revisited: Give and take in Dutch and immigrant families. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 39(2), 279-299.

  • Komter, A.E. (2007). The fragility of responsibility. In E. Poppe & M. Verkuyten (Eds.), Culture and conflict. Liber Amicorum for Louk Hagendoorn (pp. 1-15). Amsterdam: Aksant.

  • Komter, A.E. (2007). The paradox of the modern monarchy: Distance and proximity. In D.J. Elzinga (Ed.), The Dutch constitutional monarchy in a changing Europe (pp. 61-69). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.

  • Komter, A.E. (2007). Gifts and social relations. The mechanisms of reciprocity. International Sociology, 22(1) 93-107.

  • Dykstra, P.A., Kalmijn, M., Knijn, C.M., Komter, A.E., Liefbroer, A.C. & Mulder, C.H. (Eds.) (2006). Family solidarity in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press. file:///C:/Users/Komte101/Desktop/Family_solidarity_in_the_Netherlands.pdf

  • Dykstra, P.A. & Komter, A.E. (2006). The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study: An introduction. In Dykstra et al. (Eds.), Family solidarity in the Netherlands (pp. 11- 21). Amsterdam: DUP.

  • Komter, A.E. & Knijn, C.M. (2006). The strength of family ties. In Dykstra et al. (Eds.), Family solidarity in the Netherlands (pp. 107-121). Amsterdam: DUP.

  • Komter, A.E., Knijn, C.M. & Dykstra, P.A. (2006). Family solidarity in the Netherlands: A varied picture. In Dykstra et al. (Eds.), Family solidarity in the Netherlands (pp. 147-157). Amsterdam: DUP.

  • Dykstra, P.A. & Komter, A.E. (2006). Structural characteristics of Dutch kin networks. In Dykstra et al. (Eds.), Family solidarity in the Netherlands (pp. 21- 43). Amsterdam: DUP.

  • Komter, A. (2005). Social solidarity and the gift. New York: Cambridge University Press.

  • Komter, A. (2005). Zur Veränderung sozialer Bindungen in der Gegenwart. In J. Berger (Hg.), Zerreist das soziale Band? Beiträge zu einer aktuellen gesellschaftpolitischen Debatte (pp. 53 - 76). Frankfurt/New York: Campus-Verlag.

  • Komter, A. (2005). Heirlooms, Nikes, and bribes. Towards a sociology of things. In M. Hogg (Ed.), Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 5 (pp. 304-318). London: Sage.

  • Komter, A. (2005). Solidarity and sacrifice. An analysis of contemporary solidarity. In L.M. Stoneham (Ed.), Advances in Sociology, Vol. 2 (pp. 205-231). New York: Novascience Publishers.


Komter, A.E. (2010). The evolutionary origins of human generosity. International Sociology, 25(3), 1-22.

Komter, A.E. (2007). Gifts and social relations. The mechanisms of reciprocity. International Sociology, 22(1), 93-10.

Komter, A.E. (2005). Social soldarity and the gift. New York, Cambridge University Press.

Komter, A.E. (1989). Hidden power in marriage. Gender & Society, 2(3), 187-16 (nominated for the Reuben Hill award)


Academic Degrees

  • BA French and Psychology (cum laude), (1974). University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • MA Social Psychology (cum laude) (1977). Major in Social Psychology, Minor in Educational Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • PhD (1985), University of Leiden, The Netherlands, with dissertation entitled De macht van de vanzelfsprekendheid; relaties tussen vrouwen en mannen. Den Haag: VUGA.


Academic Positions

  • 2012-2022  :  Guest researcher Department of Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 2011-          :  Member Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) 

  • 2011           :  Visiting Fellow, Macquarie University, Sydney/Australia (Oct.-Dec.)

  • 2001-           : Professor of Comparative Studies of Social Solidatiry, Utrecht University

  • 2000-2012  :  Head of the Department of Social Science, University College, Utrecht University

  • 1991-2012  :  Associate Professor General Social Science, Utrecht University 

  • 1991-1992  :  Visiting Professor Graduate School of Social Science, University of Amsterdam

  • 1990-1991  :  Assistant Professor General Social Science, Utrecht University

  • 1986           :  Associate member of Balliol College, Oxford University, UK

  • 1985-1990  :  Senior Researcher NWO (Dutch Research Council) C. & C. Huygens Stipendium, Leiden University 

  • 1979-1984  :  Junior Scientific Assistent, Radboud University, Nijmegen



  • 2010-2016: memberships of NWO VENI-Talent programme Board

  • 2016-2022: Chair of NWO VIDI Talent programme Board

  • 2014-        : jury's for MA theses and PhD prizes, Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) 


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